Once a year, a dark and baleful entity awakens to punish the cruel and wicked. While Santa Claus exists to reward the pure of heart, our favorite sinister spirit comes in chains to drag evildoers away to unspeakable realms. He's just your unfriendly, horned vigilante! We like to think of him as the original nightmare before Christmas.
Krampus, our beloved seasonal scent from years past, has returned in the form of a Scented Veil! This hydrosol works as a scented spray for your spaces and fabrics, and also as a personal perfume. Crafted with fir, frankincense, patchouli, and peppermint, this veil smells of secrets known only to the inhabitants of the deepest, darkest winter woods. Perfect for the holiday season!
If you like the Krampus incense, this scented veil is for you!
4 oz spray bottle
Ingredients: witch hazel, essential oil blend (cinnamon, clove, fir needle, frankincense, orange, patchouli, peppermint), lactobacillus ferment, coconut extract
Final sale, may not be returned.